About Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin.

Dr. Kenneth Acha

Kenneth is a board certified Family Medicine specialist and an assistant professor of clinical medicine in Palm Springs California. Life wasn’t always this good for him. Kenneth grew up as an orphan and vulnerable child (OVC) in Cameroon. His father, John, was born a complete orphan at birth. John’s father had died before John was born and his mother bled to death when he was born. When Kenneth was nine years old, his father John passed away leaving Kenneth, his mother, and siblings in abject poverty.

Even though Kenneth’s dream was to become a medical doctor, he dropped out of grade school for lack of tuition that was only around $10-15, putting his dream in jeopardy. He remembers how they were too poor to afford medical care, clothing, and other basic necessities.

Kenneth credits his success today to two types of pivotal people God used to shape his destiny. These were child sponsors and leaders who helped him develop and grow.

Kenneth believes that Leadership development and child sponsorship can change the world. It changed his world and he has seen it transform the lives of thousands of people.

That’s why he is excited that God called him to start this ministry in 2005 to do for others what God did for him.

Since then, Kenneth and his partners have served thousands of OVCs in Cameron and developed hundreds of leaders worldwide.

Since 2005, Kenneth has served without a salary and continues to do so today. In fact, between 2010 and 2015, Kenneth obeyed a hard call from God to resign from Medicine and serve orphans and develop leaders. He did that without pay, forgoing potential aggregate earnings of over 1 million dollars. In spite of difficult circumstances over the past 12 years, Kenneth and his wife Ellen have donated more money and time to the cause of this foundation than any single individual.

The future of this ministry is very bright. If you would like to work with a ministry leader who talks the talk and walks the walk, then consider partnering with Kenneth and his team.